Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bullying Kills - Respond by Monday, Oct. 25

 Teen bullying, cyber-bullying, teen suicides....these topics have been all over the news lately and we can't avoid talking about it. I have posted three stories below. Please take a look at all of them, then respond to this post with a thoughtful response. Here are some suggestion questions:
  • How did you feel when reading/watching these stories and why do you feel this way?
  • Describe a time when you or someone you know has been bullied or affected by bullying. 
  • How do you think technology (ie. facebook, video chat, youtube, instant messaging, etc.) has changed or affected bullying? Has it made bullying easier or harder? Or not affected bullying at all? Explain your thoughts...
  • What can be done to stop bullying, and cyber bullying in particular? 
  • How does this relate to the 1st Amendment of Free Speech? Do you think Tyler's roommate had a right to do what he did based on the right to free speech? How do we decide when to limit "free speech," or should we stop it at all? 
Video clip about Tyler Clementi, a college freshman who took his own life after being cyber bullied. You will not believe what his roommate and roommate's friend did to him:

Another story about a recent teen suicide due to bullying:

Video clip from Ellen Degeneres:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. - I felt surprised ; in the way that this led him to comite suicide. Technology has made bullying easier for others since they could send messages ; emails ; txt or in many ways of communication insults, stock you, make your life miserable ! In my opinion bullying should be handle since it doesn't take you anywhere.But bullying really depend on the type of person ; values ; point of views ; influence etc.. We all have to make a decision and chose our friends in a proper way ; handle any types of situations in a mature and positive way not suicide . & be careful Not to publish personal information in any social network ! : )

  3. I am surprised in how people let themselves being treated this way.I think people should now how their friends are and forget what people say about you they should mine their own business

  4. While reading and watching this story of Tyler Clementi being cyber bullied by his two roommates makes me feel astonished. I feel astonished by how his two roommates invaded his privacy and how he felt embarrassed being published all over the internet. The internet now at days has affected bullying because its a better resource they have to make you more miserable by publishing things about you or about what you do. The internet has made bullying easier and it has affected a lot. There's always big news in youtube about people's embarrassing things or pictures, etc. I believe and understand that we can control cyber bullying if everyone makes an effort to not bully but its not easy because thats a major problem in our world .

  5. As i heard about these incedible news i couldnt believe it. I know that there are cases all over the world related to bullying but these one is beyond the ordianary. Technology just makes bullying easier because you have greater access to the victim. Unfortunately not everybody knows how to use social sites wisely. If you are thinking of cyber bullying you should put yourself in their position. WOuld you like to be bullied, to be tortured? Would you like your private life to be published? If everyone who is thinking of bullying someone puts themselves in their position i assure you they will think twice and wont do it.
    Freedom of speech is saying watever you like but sometimes you should think first before talking, Some people dont care about opinions but others are affected by them like Taylor and dont know how to handle them in the correct way. When you do something think about it first before you do something that youll regret for the rest of your life!

  6. It makes me sad hearing about what happened because of bullying. It’s surprising how people that are afraid of the different behave toward gays. I understand that for certain reasons they won’t agree with them, but that never will justify mistreating them. In this world we are all equal or we should be; that means that we should respect private lives of others. When people violate privacy, miserable things happen. This is the sad case of Tyler Clementi; desperation caused him to commit suicide. I really don’t understand why someone will humiliate a person to that point in which they don’t want to live. But I guess from this we can learn the consequences of not accepting others.

  7. It is surprising to see how people are taking their lives just because of bullying. In schools bullying is very common and people feel very bad. It is not fair to bother and say bad things to others, including homosexuals, because they are the same as everybody else. Right now technology makes more people to bully others and everyone can see it. I always have in mind, don't do things that you would not like for people to do to you.Yes, Freedom of Speech let people say whatever they want but people should think first before saying anything. One word can affect another person and it is very sad to hear about the case of Tyler Clementi. The people that make fun of others are because they don't have anything else to do with their lives. In my case I would not like to make someone feel bad because he or she is the same as me and sincerely it's not fair.

  8. Gay people are very nice first of all, and i don't know why people would do such things if they don't really know them. i wouldn't know what to say about the suicide part because im not feeling what they have felt.

  9. The word gay causes so much prevalent discord in the ears of so many people around the world to the point of treating them unfairly. Yes, it is true that this term seems wrong or different, because your going against nature but people's decision or acts should not bother you. And because of just being different cannot be an excuse to bully them. It is very lamentable how such people exist in this world to the point of mistreating others because of their difference. Bullying has always exist and now it is getting bigger due to technology. Through web pages and other resources it is easier for people to insult all over the world different peole. But let stop this ugly term that its covering of crimes the entire world. Every one's effort and determination to stop bullying should be sufficient to keep our Earth alive!

  10. I em very concernd about these subject because the gay society should have there right to there privacy and sholdent be trated equal. The people that did these to these poor person should go to gail and give a pubilc apologi to the fiends and family.

  11. This a very sad tale to hear indeed, I felt ver sad and disappionted when reading and hearing about this. Disappointed because it just tells us how inmature can be world. Technology and and social networking sites like facebook make bullying easier than ever, bacause they make someone feel completly demoralized from the "comfort" of theier own home. My concerns and apologies are Tyler's family beacause I know that they must be having a hard time.

  12. There are a lot of gay people that we don't know quite right but almost all of them are very great people that we sometime treat them bad in a way we don't like to be treat in this world and yes I have one gay friend that has been bully by classmate in his school and he tells me that its not fare cause they don't treat him so bad and that he is going to a very hard timee

  13. Watching and reading about these stories made me feel horribly sad.I can't believe how people can be so cruel with others just because they are different, or homosexual. It is unbelievable how ignorant some people can be when it comes to things like this. I just can't imagine how those kids, like Tyler Clementi or Seth, feel when they are being teased by their classmates or any other person. I don't think it is fair to anyone to be treated that way or to be rejected from society like they are. It is already hard being a normal teenager, so it must be unbereable having to deal with also being bullied. I do believe technology has made bullying much easier because now not only can people be bullied outside their house but they can also be disturbed in their own house through the internet or even through their phones by text messages or phone calls. We should find a way to stop this because although we have the rigth to free speech we should not take advantage of it and use it to hurt others. Our words, even if we don't think so, can cause serious problems for others, such as depresion which obviously can lead to suicide. So please help prevent bulliyng and more lives being lost by treating others with love and respect.

  14. These stories about gay suicide have been awful to read. I cannot understand what leads people to bully other people that have done nothing wrong. I've known about a few situations where my friends have been cyber bullied but it never got to the extent of suicide. Sooner or later people realize how ignorant and idiotic they were by judging people that are different from them, but I see that this isn't the case for all of these young males. Although I do enjoy the freedom of social network sited, I sometimes think we would be better without them. People tend to abuse the freedom that these networking sites give and eventually someone ends up with their feelings hurt. It's quite terrible how people can easily insult someone via Facebook/MSN/Myspace and so on, but never try to confront the person personally. It's as if they coward behind the computer screen, they must think that since they're not in front of the person they can say whatever they want. This is an extremely sad case that happens every day online. Now, what the roommate did to that poor boy was abusing the First Amendment. There is a certain limit to these things and he crossed it. Privacy should be respected no matter what. He had no right to stream the boy's private life online. No one should ever do that to anyone, gay or not. It is after all called a private life, not a public life. This can only show how people are not educated well and end up growing up with an ignorant, stubborn mind. People should know that all humans in this world are equal and everyone deserves a happy life no matter what. Sexual orientation should not interfere with a persons happiness or anything at that. It's a shame how some people still don't understand that not everyone is the same and thanks to this ignorance, the families of these misunderstood boy's will never see their beloved sons ever again.

  15. hearing about this event makes me mad!
    mad because there are ignorant and stupid people who get satisfaction from the pain and suffering of others! bullying other people isnt right. the people that invaded tylers personal or intimate life must be in jail and stay there because of there ignorance!
    and anyone whos different!
    all people in this world are equal and nobody deserves to be ashamed of what they are or chose to be because of other peoples judgements!
    JUSTICE should be done for tyler and all people who have felt or been bullied!

  16. These videos and stories made me realize how affected is todays world,people mistreat one another make them feel worthless just because somehow the are different.In this case Tyler Clementi,I think his roomates went too far when handling the situation and to the extremities they took it. Technology is not bad it depends how you use it now a days this pages and vide chatting,webcam are a huge problem because many people use them in a harmful or not appropiate way. In this world I dont believe in a way to stop bullying this world is becoming worst and worst but some laws can be created for the person whos bullying and make them face time in jail.Eventhough we have freedom of speech that doesnt give us the right to go around making people feel like quiting life. We should always be careful with our jokes and comments posted on the cyber red. We should try to find a way to prevent more people from taking their lives and treat each other in a non-Harmful way!

  17. This has been an impending issue since it was first being issued with the bullying. I believe that everyone has a right to be themselves and to express themselves like they want. Children, teens and adults living in the United States, a "free" nation like its depicted should be able to express their opinions and sexual preferences freely and not be judged by bullying. Gays are not the only ones who are being bullied by choosing what they are. Everyone should be aware that bullying is a big issue that has gone to the length of provoking suicide. Technology may as well be helping the cause for bullying but it is also helping it. By advertising projects of anti-bullying in the internet and making bullying itself illegal we may be able to help stop bullying. On the amendment of free speech there is such a thing as the law and another is ethics. Ignoring the fact that it is illegal to post information or pictures or videos of someone without their consent, I'm going to focus on the more ethical part of this world. It is completely unethical to belittle someone for being different. I have no idea of what went through the roommate's head at the time he posted the video but it sure was not ethical.

  18. I am a little sad that people take their lives because of other people opinions.People have their own choices of how they want to express themselves. God did created us equally but we all have different minds and ways og thinking this is why people can be different and nobody can judge them.Bullying is a very serius case although it is illegal people still do it this is why the world is sou bad right now!!!

  19. this story just makes me mad, to see that people take things so far and it all ends up in something like this. So what if Clementti was gay, if doesn't give anyone the right to film him and put what he did on the internet. That is very illegal and you can not invade somebody's privacy like that. Look in what it ended up, Clementti didn't know what to do and he felt humiliated and embarressed. So he took his life by jumping of the GW Bridge just because his homofobic roommate was uncomfortable. This a great example of cyber bullying and it can cause.

  20. Seeing this makes me feel angry. some people feel good just by seeing others passing through a bad moment o just by bullying them. i think this is a type of ignorance the teenagers or in some cases adults have because all people in the world are equal and no one is better or worse than anybody. i never had the chance to meet a person who is emotionally affected by bulliyng, but it must be very difficult. I think people should have a limit when to Saying Something of Other person because you do not know how that person can take it. Humans Should Be more considerable with Others, and Not Making or Would Not Saying Things you like to hear about you. Internet and other sources have their bad and good sides on bulliyng cause now there are many videos that explain people that bullying is not a good choice and also is bad because ignorant persons violate peoples lifes using it to have fun. I think people should think more of the consequences it could have just by making fun of others or publishing something it is not or their importance. Also I think the government should make something about these.I think everyone has the right to free speech, but there is some limit because you have to learn to measure the words you say because you never know how others can take what you say.The roomate of him had no right because is not his life and Neither Had the right to publish what they put. the police must give some kind of punishment to them for what they did.
