Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blogging Tips and Guidelines - Respond by Wed. Oct. 6!

Blogging Tips and Guidelines:

Every time you add a new post, people from around the world can “see” what you have written! In order to make sure your posts are safe, respectable, and grammatically appropriate please follow the following guidelines:

* Don’t use your last name when writing a blog.
* Don’t give our ANY information about yourself, phone number, address, etc.
* Don’t be specific with your information. For example, say, “I like to play soccer,” not “I play soccer for the Webster Pirates.”
* Do not post pictures of anyone without their permission.


* Be considerate of others and their individual thoughts, don’t judge.
* When writing comments, don’t just say, “That’s great!” Take the time to read others thoughts and respond with a well written comment, such as, “I agree with you, I think we should be able to access the computer more.”
* Do not write comments that might be considered offensive by others. (Remember, your writings can be viewed by anyone in the world!!!)


* Use correct grammar and spelling.
* Use of abbreviations and shortcuts is not appropriate for a blog, save that for texting!
* Present yourself in a manner that will bring you and your family pride for what you’ve written.

-Respond to this post with a comment. You will have to create a free google account to do so!
-You may answer all or any of these questions in your comment:
-What do you know about blogging?
-How do you feel about the idea of blogging? Of having a website about our class that anyone in the world can see? Will this have an effect on what you write? Explain...
-If you could have your own blog, what would it be about? Many people have a blog about specific topics like sports, travel, TV shows, fashion, dance, or funny things they hear people say. Others have blogs where they write about anything that comes to their minds!
-What are you most excited about for blogging?
-Respond with a link to a blog that you find interesting or fun (you can search blogs in google) and explaining why you find it interesting. Here is an example blog of Mr. and Ms. Kaufhold:


  1. Hey Miss, This was a pretty good idea. I hope that we get to use this more often

  2. Finally I am in. I think it will be a great activity to do every weekend. I will enjoy it and I hope everyone enjoy it too. Thanks for activities that pushes us to be creative!!!

  3. Itze here. I love blogging and reading other people's blogs. I enjoy commenting on their posts also. I am currently not writing in blogs a lot due to the fact that I am (sorta) obsessed with picture blogging. is a great site to share your pictures or pictures you find interesting throughout the internet. Of course, you need to give credit if the owner of the picture is known. Anyways, this blogging idea is quite interesting and I am excited to see your future posts.

  4. Well, I like this idea of blogging since it's a different yet interesting activity. I really like posting comments and seeing all the different opinions and point of views that my classmates have. It is also exciting to think that this blog can be seen by many other people. In this moment, I don't have my own blog but if I will create one,I will definitely make it about fashion and the clothing people wear all around the world. It will be interesting to create new ideas in fashion! I also like to take a lot of photos, especially in sports.. :) This blogging experience will be great and we'll be prepared for any high-tech projects.

  5. I don't know much about blogging but it seems like a great idea . I find interesting that we have a blog of our class and that everyone in the world can see all our different opinions.I dont have a blog of my own but I would most definetely like to have one when I learn a little bit more about it, which is something I really look forward to. I'm exited to see the diferent thougthts my classmates have and how they respond to certain topics. I think this will be a very fun activity and that all of us will learn many things from it.=D

  6. Ive seen blogs but never had a chance to comment or have one,im liking this idea of blogging and that our class can comment and share ideas.It will also help us,to use our creativity and expand our thoughts if I get interested in this I'll probably create one but still thinking on what it will be about! So lets see how it goes!

  7. This is the first time I get to blog. But it sounds like a good idea.For use as students to learn new techniques and come out of the monotony.Also for us to share different ideas; and thoughts. The most exiciting part about bloging is that anyone AROUND THE WORLD can see our blog ! I still don't have my own blog, nor have any idea but soon I will come out with some ideas :)

  8. I LIKE the idea of blogging ;) Its a good way to express our feelings and share our different toughts about things. Its interesting that other people around the world could see what you write and that they could give their opinions! I dont know what to write about...but then I will come up with some ideas.

  9. I think blogging is a good idea, it'll help us, as students, get closer to the real world before we get to college. I guess I know enough about blogging but there is always room to learn more. I have a blog but I rarely use it, since I am prone to get distracted and fail to remember posting in my blog. Anyway, I think this will be a good experience for all of us and I am curious to see what will turn out from it.

  10. i had never blog before but sounds pretty awsome
    hope we use it often :D

  11. I dont know anything about this blog thing but it seems fun i guess.If i had my own blog it would probably talk about my life and what i do evryday and just what random things come to my mind:)

  12. I think this blogging idea is really good. It helps us with new and creative ideas. Although i dont know anything about blogging im really looking forward to learn about it.

  13. I think that this is a very good idea because it will help us express ourselve in a different way. It will also be a good opportunity see the different opinions of my classmates.

  14. I don't know to much about blogging but seems to be fun. Blogging is a great technique for students to express their thoughts. It is modern since we like to be on the technology side always is good to have a blog about our class. I think this is a great idea to have a blog about the class. For me it is very interesting that everyone in the world could have the oppotunity to seee and comment our blog as well as we can see and comment other blogs. If i would have my own blog it would be about everything sports, places, people etc. I'm very excited to experienced what is like to have a blog and use it.

  15. I think this is a good idea so can everyone express their idea and tthis is a creative idea for the class.

  16. Tiffany

    I like to express my opinions very often just for fun, but I don't have much experiece in blogging. I hope with time I get to like it, because right now I think it's a little complicated. Im very excited to see what my friends comment. :)

  17. Hi.... Yay after all the work i finally did it at the last hour, thanks Mrs. Kaufhold for all the help! And i love this looks like a fun activity looking forward for some fun blogging! Take care everyone!!!!

  18. Iknow that blogging is a website who updates something about them so it can be seen all around the world. I feel that the idea of blogging is done especially when its about my class. I feel it's a good way to connect with everybody to show the world how great we are and what we have done. Now If I could have my own blog, it would be about the things I do like volleyball, my favorite sport. I'll write about what I have accomplished and what I have made in my life. Blogging is also a good way to show and communicate with your friends and family far away.

  19. i love the blogging:)because we can expressed and share our thoughts. i do not have so much experience commenting in blogs but i can get us to it:)the fun part is that all the people around the world can see it!!!i really looking forward to learn all about it:)

  20. 1- I dont know anything about blogging
    2- its a great idea because is something new for me, hope this will give a good example for other classes
    3- my blog will be about music
    4- expressing myself in a new different way

  21. Yes i finally did the account thanks to Jonathan!

  22. I at last did this...I've never blogged before or however you right ok
