Sunday, October 31, 2010

State, Nation, Other: Puerto Rico tries to decide - Respond by Wed. Nov. 10!

Oh, no....not politics!! YES, we are going to go there this time. This issue in Puerto Rico has still not been resolved and guess what...all of YOU will most likely be making this decision in the future!

Read this article from the PR Daily Sun and respond by answering some of these questions. You MUST refer to the article in your comment so that we all know that you have read it! For example... "I thought it was crazy how the political candidate from Idaho thought Puerto Rico was a COUNTRY, and didn't even care!!!" or "I know what they mean about the passport question, people asked me that when I went to the states..."

  • Have you had a similar experience to Dayra Rivera's? If so, exlain...
  • What do you think about other peoples' knowledge (or lack thereof) of Puerto Rico?
  • Does Puerto Rico's political status confuse you? How? What about the social status? Is PR more American or more Puerto Rican? Explain...
  • The BIG question: What do you think PR should do...become a state, become independent, stay the same, other?? Explain...
  • Show this article to your parents or other family members. What do they think?
  • Any other reactions, thoughts, questions, opinions that you have to this issue...

You should also start responding to your classmates' comments. Remember, this is a DISCUSSION with the whole class, not just with yourself. For example, "I really agree with ______ because _____." Or "I see the point that _____ is making, but I disagree because ________." As always, BE RESPECTFUL!!

Here is the link to the article:
State, nation, other: Puerto Rico tries to decide - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - Timely news about Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and the world


  1. - Today, many people don't know what Puerto Rico is or even where it's located. I had gone out of P.R. and people had ask me, where is Puerto Rico! So...I think that people from other places should be taught more about our culture and beliefs. According to the article, people are just being ignorant! For example, this men called Vaughn Ward, told P.R was a country, he means that he didn't even care. Also, they are being unfair. Right now, Puerto Rico can't ship with a lot of countries, because they say its too expensive or to avoid conflicts, ect. I think that what happened to Dayra Rivera was really unfair! If they promised that if you buy an I-phone, they would give you a free case, well, DO IT! But...because she was from Puerto Rico, they couldn't shipped the free case to here. That's very unfair, they are treating us like if we were from a lower or second class.

    - I think PUERTO RiCO should become a STATE :)
    That's because we all would be together as a state and we would have the same rights and benefits as the US people. Also, we would share the economy and the same laws.

  2. First of all.... I highly disagree with Mariah about becoming a State 51 states just doesn't look right and i don't want to be paying more taxes than what we already pay.... another thing its true about that people don't know what or where is Puerto Rico but its their loss because they haven't experienced a real TROPICAL adventure which is "La Isla del Encanto!!!"

    Also yeah its unfair that were promised something and we don't get it because we live in Puerto Rico, in other words they are saying that we aren't important to them....

    And yes i have been asked where is Puerto Rico while im Playing Ps3, and i say "look at a map and the little island under Florida" lol

  3. Puerto Rico as being part of the United States should become a nation to gain respect and support and I agree with rivera so we can solve these situations and not happen again. I believe that in a situation like Apple woldnt ship to an international destination and I think thats not fair. Puerto rico and the united states should become a nation so people could now that we exist. Puerto Rico is an island that is invisible to many countries out there.

  4. yeah. Jonathan that may be true, but if we become a state we would have a better paying and health care. Also we would have better representation :) And if you think, their laws are more strict than PR that have a lot of corrupt people.

  5. Im in shocked. First of all i disagree by becoming state 51, I think we should stay the same, even though there would be a time in which United State would get rid of us. It was true what Dayra Rivera told; U.S. was not treating Puerto Rico right, because apple didnt to want send her a free iphone case, and it was also true what primo Delgado told if we become state 51 "it would face the same issues and shipping would still be a problem." So it would be the same proble if we become 51 state, we would face the same problems, we wont be represented, people would ask us if we came to Texas by a car like they asked my brother when he went there, we wont have our holidays, no olimpic team, and forget about wanting to have Miss.Puerto Rico Universe, we wont even have that. Things that are a huge deal to us would become nothing.

    I agree with Jonathan about some people of the United States which dont know where is Puerto Rico located. They dont know what they are missing to see. This is a place with a lot of beauty. A place that even though it has its defects is a place where everyone is welcome.

  6. The US has no right to make us state 51, they don't even treat us right. If they really wanted us a state they would definitely help us more and like the problem, they won't have a problem shipping to Puerto Rico. The people from the US don't even know anything about us, they don't even take the time to also teach in schools about Puerto Rico, which is a territory of the US. They show no importance and why would we want to be part of somebody who doesn't care about us.

    And I totally agree with what Paola said, we would so many thing becoming a state of the US. We would lose olympic teams, lots of our cultural ways etc... We should stay as we are or even become a nation.

  7. -Many people don't really know anything about PuertoRico ; they should give themselves a chance to get to know it ; discover & learn about ; our beautiful island . & yes I had a few changes to meet others like at airports , Europe , etc... And when I tell them where I'm from they would say ":O people live there?" ; "Where is that?" Or when shopping ONLINE ; that many stores don't ship to Puerto Rico .People don't give too much importance too PR Vaughn Ward ; he acted very careless about us . In this point I agree with Mariah : it is very UNFAIR what they did to Dayra Rivera if that store said they woul give her a free case for her I-Phone ; they should give it , because they promise it . & they are just promissing & not achieving what they say well... If they couldn't provided they had to tell at first . & that are just excuses what they say about the shipping to here an I-Phone cost more $$ than the shipping . & if it was for the US they would quickly ship it ! & also I agree w. Paola & Juan ;we should stay as we are (:

  8. I have never had an experience like Dayra Rivera had but I do think it is unfair what they did to her, just like Nicolle does. Just because she lives in PR doesnt mean she shouldn't have recieved the free iphone case just like any other American citizen did and PR is not that far from the US so distance or money should not be an excuse. It is also surprising to me that so many people around the world do not know about PR and don't care about it either. The way in which Vaughn Ward responded about PR shocked me and I can't believe he said that PR didn't matter! I think that just like Puerto Ricans are taught about other parts of the world, others should also be taught about PR, or at least know that it exists and where it is located. It is true that PR is a small island but it deserves the right to be known and recognized by everyone. Like Jonathan and Paola I think those who don't know about PR are missing out on a lot because it is a beautiful island. I agree with Nicolle,Paola and Juan in that Puerto Rico should stay as it is because it is probable that if we become a state we will loose many of the things that define our culture and that we will definitely miss.=)

  9. i agree with mariah on becoming a 51 state because we will be paying more takes like jonathan said but it will be for the better of the island to make our roads better for us having a better health care and having the support of the united states we need to get our little island more stable and les caiotic like it is right know

    att: shae-lynn velazquez
    but in a way i agree with jenny because if we become a state we will lose some cultural things that definds us as puertoricans and not ameriacans so thats my oppinion

  10. I disagree with Jenny and Nicolle. Its fair they treat us that way like not giving her the case, because we are not a state we cant demand equal treatment when we dont even know what we are and we are not equal to them in status. I personally think we should become a state, we would be a very beautiful and unique one and end the struggles with problems caused by our not know status.

  11. As far as I am concerned politics do not interest me as much as they should. The 'right thing to do' is overshadowed by the implications of what will happen if we stayed a commonwealth or if we chose to become a state. There is no perfect government and so there is no guarantee that Puerto Rico will do better than it is now. On the matter of what happened to Dayra Rivera I have had countless experiences similar to her's, being a person that purchases many items online. When a situation like that occurs I just shrug it off and pick another item similar to the one I wanted or just not buy it; there is really nothing I can do or say to change the fact. Since Puerto Rico was first ruled by Spain, and for a long time I might add, it was a culture-shock to be faced with a completely different language than their own and a whole new government. I suppose puertoriquens still feel quite confused as to what to think of the United States: this should cause no great commotion when said island cannot choose what to do based on their political status. On whether Puerto Rico should become a state, go independent, or stay the same is beyond my grasp. As I mentioned before I am not a big fan of politics so I tend to avoid them. In my opinion I find myself too ignorant on the subject to comment on the future of Puerto Rico's political status.

  12. Politics is a subject I do not like to touch, but if I have to get involved in a debate concerning the island I live in I will comment on it. Puerto Rico can go ahead and become the 51st state or it could stay the same. Either way, it might help Puerto Rico in some matters, but I also think that Puerto Rico isn't ready to become a state. Puerto Ricans tend to complain a lot about taxes and such and I believe that by becoming a state people will start an uproar and blame the government for it once again. Puerto Rico does not get the recognition it deserves but I am quite okay with it. While reading Jonathan's comment I can see the typical reaction of many other Puerto Ricans upon hearing the news of becoming the 51st state. In the end I believe the U.S does not want to deal with another state especially not one who is known for feeding off of coupons as I've been told before.

  13. I really dont like politics but if I need to get into it I will an even more if it for Puerto Rico. Yes I agree that Puerto Rico can be state of the United State. I will help Puerto Rico in in some matter possible. Puertoricans complain a lot about taxes and many others stuff then we as people blame the goverment for all the problems we have.

  14. I've never had an experience similar to Dayra but I think it was totally unfair because if they told you that by buying an I-phne they will give her a case well,you should do it !Some people don't even know Puerto Rico exists.I think Puerto Rico should become a state because we will have the same rights as U.s people eventhougt we will need to pay more taxes we will be pay will have its advances...I don't know much about politics so I prefer say nothing more than these :)..

  15. I really agree with Jonathan of not becoming a state because first we will be paying more taxes that we are now.Also I think is ok to receive help of the U.S but staying with our culture and beliefs.I have never passed by something like Dayra did, but I think is unfair because just for being a customer she needs a good treat. Also I think Puerto Rico is a beautiful island and that people may take the time to visit here and be taught and take to our great and historical places.Now people of other countries talk bad or does not know of P.R because our political and economical issues and in the way some express of puerto rican people.Yes Puerto Rico's political status confuse me because their are a lot of issues and people uncomfortable with decisions and I think the government are not taking in considerations peoples point of view and economical status. In certain way Puerto Rico is more American than puerto rican but I think P.R people still are patriotic and still like our culture.Staying the way we are in political status is the best because the people that want to be American would have their half of being it and the people that are independent or both also would be satisfied becuase we still would have our culture and also would pay less taxes.

  16. I have never had an experienced like what Rivera had but I assure you if I did I wold be very upset about it. I also believe that is very ignorant and inconsiderate of there part.I want to also say that I believe Puerto Rico shod stay like it is rite now because we are doing ok haw we are and I dont think we shod become a state because it will make life harder for people that dont know the language and cost on taxes will increase. That is my opinion on the mater.

  17. Well, I have not passed through an experience such as Dayra Rivera's one, but I have seen videos in which people don't know what we are and where we are located in the world. I think that if an American doesn't know anything about Puerto Rico, which is part of the U.S., then that is very disrespectful to us, Puerto Ricans. I disagree with Tiffany of becoming a state, we should stay as we are right now and show how beautiful our island is. I like the idea of having the U.S. helping us economically but I can't imagine Puerto Rico becoming a state! There is a lot of political issues going around in Puerto Rico but that is like any other country, but the idea of becoming a state is getting a little bit hard. We should always have in mind that we should respect each other's opinions and point of view but we should also take in consideration that it is not fair to be part of another country who have different cultures, beliefs and even language!We all are brothers and sisters and we don't want to lose our extraordinary and unique culture.

  18. I dont know much about politics but i think Pr is depending to much of US i think will never go on be a stable country because we depend to mucho of other countries, i think i needs to be independent but it takes time because many people o PR depend of the money that US gives, and for the people of little knowledge for PR i think thats normal because when i go to a hotel in quebradillas people asked me from where im i told them that i was from patillas and they being people from PR didnt even know that patillas was a town of their own country ufffff, well my grandpa thinks Pr needs to be independent that we depend alot of US. to end this Pr is more american every day and that economy gets worst ever year thats normal to me i think it always have been bad people think that this was like old times that bread was at 1 cent jeje

  19. I have never had an experience like Dayra had but I do think of this as an unfair issue, the fact that she lived in PR and not in the mainland US doesnt make a difference in rights we are still considered part of the US and the distance is not that bigI Dayra shouldve received her iphone case.Its sad to hear people not know bit of PR Ive had the experience many times when Ive traveled that people dont have the minor idea where or what is Puerto Rico ! People like this house candidate refer to PR in a discriminating way and not care at all. We students of PR have to learn about countries all over the world including the US and as us students in other parts of the world should be taught of PR and other small countries. I support PR staying at it is we are good like we are maybe by changing and becoming a state Puertorican lifestyles may be forced to change our culture and aspects similar to what my classmates jenny and paola said which i totally support, and by being independent we could struggle so I think we should stay like this!

  20. I havent had an experience like the one of Rivera but if i had one i would be very upset and mad. I think its unreasonable or illogical for other people not to know about Puerto Rico. Like Genderie said, in school we learn about countries all around the world so why cant they know about Puerto Rico when se are so close to them! I think Puerto Rico has both cultures because sometimes were treated like Americans but we have our Puerto Rican culture and it would be very hard to change it. Im really not sure what Puerto Rico should be because im not sure of the benefits or disadvantages of becoming a state. I like it the way it is right now but in my house my family members say Puerto Rico should become a state because maybe we culd get better economic advantages. I think we should learn more about the adavantages and disadvantages of becoming a state!

  21. Through this event it is shown how much interest other countries and places tend to have towards PR. Happenings like these, are very lamentable and may upset many people people specially the ones who personally experience it. I haven't deal with this situation and I will try to avoid it. And thinking about PR as a Nation or state? I disagree with that of PR becoming a state because by turning into a state will not change anything. Problems right now are widely existing through the whole world, so standing by our own or turning into a state will not change anything. So why don't we stand for ourselves and show everyone what we are capable of and also show how beautiful we are such in the inside and outside. Sincerely we have alot to demonstrate and we can receive the same help we are receiving that is not so much from US but independently.

  22. Puerto Rico should become a state and gain respect. According to the article people are being inmature or ignorants. i think that Puerto Rico and the United states should become nation so people know that we exist. Puerto Rico is a small island and some people do not know that we exist. i had travel to other countries and they do not know were is located:( is unfair that they promise something and we do not get it because we are from Puerto Ricoo:( people from other country treat us as loserrss. we need a change lol!!

  23. I believe that Puerto Rico should become a state. Mainly because that our Puerto Rico will get the resources and neccesities that our country needs to grow and flourish. I would like to say more, but politics is not something I like to talk about.

  24. I think that Puerto Rico should stay as it is. Although by being a state we could earn more resources and more help from d U.S. Puerto Rico as a state could get really messed up I really do not know why but I just have a feeling it would not be as good as it sounds. I really don't like politics so i'll just end this statement by leaving Puerto Rico as it is...

  25. I agree with Christopher that I dont care about politics and goverment it causes problems or makes the problem bigger. But if the Puerto Rico could become a state of the U.S. it would be a good idea to have support from the United State.

  26. I totally DISAGREE with everybody who thinks Puerto Rico should become a state!
    first of all what difference would it make in the way the US trets us.
    We Puertoricans are unique because of our culture! becoming a state would meen becoming more like them.
    who ever wants to become the "51" state is totally out of their minds!... They are being disrespectful to their true culture!...I DONT WANT TO BE UNDER THE RULE OF THE US!.. I want to be Puertorican!...I am Puertorican and im proud.. :) and anyways 51 is an ugly number! haha:/ were fine the way we are!

  27. I dont think Puerto Rico should become a state because we would have to adopt the USA culture and beliefs. I had problems with ordering things form the internet because most of the time when iam going to order something they dont send things to PR its sometimes irritating. Still I like Puerto Rico like it is :).And By the way I agree with Carol "51" is an ugly number :))
