Monday, April 18, 2011

Time to Nominate!

By now you have all become experts in the issues of your chosen country. Now it is time to learn about other countries around the world. 

1.) Read/Skim your classmates' blogs: You won't have time to read EVERY post from EVERY blog, but try to at least view and skim each blog. Pay the most attention to what Human Rights issues are going on, and what each classmates' proposal ideas are.

2.) Choose your Top 10 Proposals: Make another post/entry listing your Top 10 choices. Each proposal should be nominated based on urgency of the Human Rights Issue, and how in depth and realistic their proposal ideas are. Make sure you post the link to each blog you nominate and EXPLAIN WHY you nominated each blog. 

1.    Japanese Americans’ Rights - Irelis
2.    African American Civil Rights – Genderie, Willie
3.    Catholic Civil Rights – Kathy
4.    Veterans’ Rights – Randy, Christian
5.    Student Activism/ Rights to Protest -
6.    Women’s Rights – Paola, Mariah
7.    Gay Rights – Shae-Lynn, Itze
8.    Immigrants’ Rights – Juan, Tiffany
9.    Voting Rights – Jennyliam, Ashley
10.Workers’ Rights – Hiomark
11.Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Nestor, Nicolle
12.Latin Americans’ Rights -
13.Muslim Americans’ Rights – Edrick, Armando
14.Rights of the Elderly – Gabriela, Karlitza
15.Students of Public Universities’ Rights – Bianca, Kathy
16.Criminal Rights (Justice) – Carol, Ivania
17.Native Americans’ Rights - Carolina
18.Puerto Ricans’ Rights – Roxanne
19.Teenagers’ Rights – Jonathan, Christopher

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