Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blogging Tips and Guidelines - Respond by Wed. Oct. 6!

Blogging Tips and Guidelines:

Every time you add a new post, people from around the world can “see” what you have written! In order to make sure your posts are safe, respectable, and grammatically appropriate please follow the following guidelines:

* Don’t use your last name when writing a blog.
* Don’t give our ANY information about yourself, phone number, address, etc.
* Don’t be specific with your information. For example, say, “I like to play soccer,” not “I play soccer for the Webster Pirates.”
* Do not post pictures of anyone without their permission.


* Be considerate of others and their individual thoughts, don’t judge.
* When writing comments, don’t just say, “That’s great!” Take the time to read others thoughts and respond with a well written comment, such as, “I agree with you, I think we should be able to access the computer more.”
* Do not write comments that might be considered offensive by others. (Remember, your writings can be viewed by anyone in the world!!!)


* Use correct grammar and spelling.
* Use of abbreviations and shortcuts is not appropriate for a blog, save that for texting!
* Present yourself in a manner that will bring you and your family pride for what you’ve written.

-Respond to this post with a comment. You will have to create a free google account to do so!
-You may answer all or any of these questions in your comment:
-What do you know about blogging?
-How do you feel about the idea of blogging? Of having a website about our class that anyone in the world can see? Will this have an effect on what you write? Explain...
-If you could have your own blog, what would it be about? Many people have a blog about specific topics like sports, travel, TV shows, fashion, dance, or funny things they hear people say. Others have blogs where they write about anything that comes to their minds!
-What are you most excited about for blogging?
-Respond with a link to a blog that you find interesting or fun (you can search blogs in google) and explaining why you find it interesting. Here is an example blog of Mr. and Ms. Kaufhold:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

American History Syllabus, Ms. Kaufhold

Here is a copy of Ms. Kaufhold's American History Syllabus. Please refer here to find explanations on classroom procedures, policies, rules, etc.

American History Syllabus

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What does a world citizen look like?

Each class created the ideal “world citizen” by answering the question: “What does a world citizen look like?” Here is 10A’s reply:

"Our world citizen is a unique person and has the courage to stand up and make a change. This  person is not afraid to be different and unique, They are not afraid to show their true interests, although they still respect the opinions of others. This person doesn't have to follow a crowd, they march to their own beat. He/she is a leader, is passionate. This citizen likes to take interests from other people and make them their own. She is fashionable and has a big heart. He/she cares about the environment and always recycles! We are the world and we can make a difference!"